How to plan your wedding during Covid19

The world has never come to a grinding halt so to speak as it is at the moment  no thanks to  the Coranvirus  pandemic. Virtually every activity in every sphere of human existence is on hold.  I sympathize with every couple out there whose wedding has been disrupted due to the pandemic.

Here are some ways to  deal with the situation.

1.Don't cancel your wedding only postpone it.
Wedding cancellation can only happen  when oneof the partners does not want to go ahead with the wedding. Since this is not the case it doesn't have to be cancelled. Sending messages to family and friends informing them about the postponement is the most reasonable thing to do. Once things return to normalcy and you are sure of a date, you can send e- invite instead of printing cards again.

2. Don't ask for a refund from your Vendors:
  Communicate with your vendors about the postponement of the wedding. Let them know you still plan to use their services after the lockdown.
Bride and groom entrance

 For those you have made deposits with ,it is wise not to ask for a refund  because once the pandemic is over there will be a surge in the demand for event venues and event vendors. Only those who have made deposit would be given  preference.

Food vendors

 3.Cut down on your expenses.
Based on the prediction  that there will be an economic recession, If you are yet to make any deposit for your venue, you can have a review of the number of guests you want to attend your wedding . Try to save where you can and do away with unnecessary expenses.

Hall decor

4. Let  wedding plans continue.
Don't put your life on hold because the world is on lockdown.
If you haven't gotten a venue for your wedding yet, you have enough time to search online.
Check for your vendors online  before you make decisions about using them. check for feedbacks of people who have engaged their services and also do a proper background check to make sure they are genuine.

Sally Ushers

5. Keep in touch with your partner.
 Don't let the Covid19 pandemic put a rust on your relationship.

Come rain or sunshine, Sally Events will be there to help you with your wedding plans.
We shall come out of Covid 19 stronger and better

Contact us on:

Phone: 08134015365

Instagram: @sallyeventsandushers
